children get stuck in the Body-Side pattern, which should lead to the
Cross-Lateral pattern. As Spiderman, the
child can move laterally at first, then
use arms and legs alternating – right arm with left leg, left arm with
right leg, in a truly Cross-Lateral movement
Some children will do this as a Body-Side activity for weeks or months
and only come to Cross-Lateral movement after they have had success for many
days with the one-sided Spiderman.
The direction is simple and very engaging – who doesn’t want
to be Spiderman? I tell them, “Your job is to move like Spiderman does, going
across the room as if you were going up a wall.
Use your right hand and your left foot, then your left hand and your
right foot. Go as far as you can in one direction, go back in the other
direction. Do that twice the length of
the linoleum.”
There is a big Vestibular component to this exercise,
because the head is almost upside-down as they move along the floor. If the
space is big enough, the children could each have a section of wall and pretend
to be Spiderman vertically. For most
children this isn’t as much fun and, for me, it does not have the Vestibular
component because the whole body is vertical.
When the children do Brain Dance every day, they are
familiar with the names and bodymovements of “Body-Side,” “Cross-Lateral,” and “Vestibular.” Because of this daily familiarity and
practice, they know WHY they are doing Spiderman – I like to think that helps
them enjoy it!