Putting numbers on beginning
readers’ eyes
How many children can’t use their eyes to read? How many
children are labeled as non-readers when they are really non-see-ers?
My answer to this has always been, “about 30 percent” of first
graders in regular education classrooms from middle-income families.
This year, when I screened 87 first graders in October of
2012, there were closer to 60 percent.
Most of them, to be sure, were having trouble with tracking, that is,
moving their eyes smoothly across their field of vision (or across a page of
print). It worked out like this:
Number of
children screened 87 100%
Need to
recheck tracking (37), teaming (17) 54 60%
During this fall screening process, I also check to see where
the children are in terms of their neurological development. (If the eye screening is brisk and
incomplete, the neurodevelopmental screening is even more superficial!) The main thing I am looking for is
cross-lateral patterning, which would show that their development is almost
finished, or not
Number of
children screened
87 100%
Number of children who can’t belly
crawl 28 32%
Number of
children who can’t skip 9 12%
Number of
children who can’t balance
12 13%
Now this was during the 2012-2013 school year, when first
graders were not yet expected (according to the Common Core standards set out
in the fall of 2012) to know how to read at the time of entering first
grade. Most of the literacy instruction
in these classrooms, therefore, involved a great deal of reading leveled texts,
working on phonics, learning to write letters and stories from left to right,
and other fairly traditional practices in the teaching of reading. Most of these 87 children were doing
BrainDance every day as well.
In March, when I rechecked the ones who had had difficulty
in October, the numbers were significantly reduced. Of the 54 children who were having trouble tracking
and teaming in October, 19 seemed to be tracking well in March, bringing their
eyes into focus easily. October’s 60% seem
to have self-corrected to 35%, merely by living through those months and doing
reading work.
But 35% is still way too many.